Wednesday, March 24, 2010

RAID on Linux

Standard RAID levels
Linux Raid

Mailing list
Linux RAID Storage

Managing RAID on Linux, 2002 O'Reilly (PDF)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How to build eCos 2.x applications for ARM platform

In Fedora Core 8, Fedora Core 9

Install toolchain for eCos
[ ]# /opt/gnutools/

Build eCos complete process

  1. select template
  2. adding package
  3. editing configuration
  4. build tree
  5. build library
  6. build application 

Compile ecosconfig
[ ]# cd /home/eCos/ecos-starsemi    ; ECOS_ROOT_DIR = /home/eCos/ecos-starsemi
[ ]# mkdir -p ecos-host
[ ]# cd ecos-host

[ ]# CC=gcc CXX=g++ ../ecos-2.0/configure --with-tcl=/usr/bin/tclsh --prefix=/usr/lib --host=i686-linux-gnu --with-tcl-version=8.5
[ ]# make CFLAGS="-march=i686" CXXFLAGS="-march=i686"

Compile eCos
[ ]# source    ; set some environment variables for eCos
[ ]# ecosconfig list    ; support list

[ ]# cd $ECOS_ROOT_DIR
[ ]# mkdir ecos-build
[ ]# cd ecos-build

[ ]# ecosconfig new str81xx
[ ]# ecosconfig resolve
[ ]# ecosconfig check
[ ]# ecosconfig tree
[ ]# make

Compile eCos Application - Hello World
[ ]# cd $ECOS_ROOT_DIR    ; ECOS_ROOT_DIR = /home/eCos/ecos-starsemi
[ ]# mkdir hello_kernel
[ ]# cd hello_kernel

[ ]# ecosconfig new str81xx
[ ]# ecosconfig tree    ;ecos.ecc
[ ]# make    ; install/lib/target.ld

[ ]# cd $ECOS_ROOT_DIR    ; ECOS_ROOT_DIR = /home/eCos/ecos-starsemi
[ ]# mkdir hello_application
[ ]# cd hello_application
[ ]# cp /home/eCos/ecos-starsemi/ecos-2.0/examples/hello.c .
[ ]# cp /home/eCos/ecos-starsemi/ecos-2.0/examples/build_Makefile .
[ ]# cp /home/eCos/ecos-starsemi/ecos-2.0/examples/build_Make.params .
[ ]# chmod +x build_Makefile build_Make.params
[ ]# SRCS=hello.c DST=hello ./build_Makefile ../hello_kernel
[ ]# make
[ ]# arm-elf-objcopy -O srec hello hello.srec
[ ]# arm-elf-objcopy -O binary hello hello.bin

Compile eCos Application - HTTP Server
[ ]# cd $ECOS_ROOT_DIR    ; ECOS_ROOT_DIR = /home/eCos/ecos-starsemi
[ ]# mkdir httpd_kernel
[ ]# cd httpd_kernel

[ ]# ecosconfig new str81xx net
[ ]# ecosconfig add CYGPKG_HTTPD    ; add HTTP server
[ ]# ecosconfig tree    ; ecos.ecc
[ ]# make    ; install/lib/target.ld

[ ]# cd $ECOS_ROOT_DIR    ; ECOS_ROOT_DIR = /home/eCos/ecos-starsemi
[ ]# mkdir httpd_application
[ ]# cd httpd_application
[ ]# cp /home/eCos/ecos-starsemi/ecos-2.0/packages/net/httpd/current/tests/httpd1.c httpd_apps.c
[ ]# cp /home/eCos/ecos-starsemi/ecos-2.0/examples/build_Makefile .
[ ]# cp /home/eCos/ecos-starsemi/ecos-2.0/examples/build_Make.params .
[ ]# chmod +x build_Makefile build_Make.params
[ ]# SRCS=httpd_apps.c DST=httpd_apps ./build_Makefile ../httpd_kernel
[ ]# make
[ ]# arm-elf-objcopy -O srec httpd_apps httpd_apps.srec
[ ]# arm-elf-objcopy -O binary httpd_apps httpd_apps.bin

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2085682 2008-06-17 httpd_apps
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  742694 2008-06-17 httpd_apps.srec
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  258304 2008-06-17 httpd_apps.bin
The size of the image is pretty small.

Compile eCos Application - OpenSSL Server
[ ]# ecosconfig add CYGPKG_OPENSSL    ; add openssl support

Compile eCos Application - BitTorrent Server
To be continue...

Compile eCos Application - Samba Server
To be continue...

Current Status:

  • Hello World ! [Console]
  • HTTP Server [Ethernet, TCP/IP]
  • OpenSSL Server [Ethernet, TCP/IP]
  • BitTorrent Client [ToDo] 
  • Sambe Server [ToDo]

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

AMP System

AMP System Architecture for ARM11 MPCore

Separate CPUs with separate OS. For example, Linux runs on CPU0 and uCode runs on CPU1.