How to install MediaWiKi
1. Install mediawiki
How to install MySQL
1. Install MySQL
yum install mysql-server php-mysql
How to configure MySQL
1. Set the MySQL service to start on boot
[ ]# chkconfig --levels 235 mysqld on
2. Start the MySQL service
[ ]# service mysqld start
3. Log into MySQL
[ ]# mysql -u root
4. Set the root user password for all local domains
mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('your-password');
mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'hostname' = PASSWORD('your-password');
mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'' = PASSWORD('your-password');
5. Drop the Any user
mysql> DROP USER ''@'localhost';
mysql> DROP USER ''@'hostname';
mysql> DROP USER ''@'%';
6. Drop the test database
mysql> DROP DATABASE test;
7. Exit MySQL
[ ]# exit
1. Professional Wikis, Mark Choate, 2008, Wiley Publishing, Inc.
2. Wikipatterns, Stewart Mader, 2008, Wiley Publishing, Inc.