Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Benchmark CPU performance

Build CoreMark
For x86 platform:


[ ] # make compile XCFLAGS="-g -DPERFORMANCE_RUN=1"

For ARM platform:
[ ] # make compile CC=arm-linux-gcc XCFLAGS="-g -DPERFORMANCE_RUN=1"

Execute CoreMark
[ ]# ./coremark.exe  0x0 0x0 0x66 0 7 1 2000

Sketch the scores
Data format in "coremark.gnuplot_x86.data"
1       7526.256372
2       15053.542714
3       16116.625765
4       20295.202952

[ ] # gnuplot
set xlabel "Core"
set ylabel "Iterations/Sec"
set xzeroaxis
set yzeroaxis
set xrange [0:5]
set yrange [0:30000]
set term png size 600, 400
set title "CoreMark with different x86 core number"
set output "x86-MP.CoreMark.png"

plot "coremark.gnuplot_x86.data" using 1:2 title "4 Processes" with linespoint

Other Example:
gnuplot> plot "coremark.gnuplot_x86.data" using 1:2 title "1 Process" with linespoint, "coremark.gnuplot.data" using 1:3 title "4 Processes" with linespoint, "coremark.gnuplot.data" using 1:4 title "8 Processes" with linespoint

Other Benchmark Tools:

  • Linpack
  • Quadrant
  • Geekbench 2
  • Vellamo
  • Andebench
  • Antutu Benchmark-59
  • Caffeine mark (example)
  • Nbench
  • GLBenchmark 2.1.4-10

  • Reference:
    Tegra II vs. TI OMAP PandaBoard

    Friday, November 16, 2012

    IPv6 over IPv4

    IPv6 tunneling provides a way to encapsulate IPv6 packets into IPv4 packets. That can be used to connect two IPv6 networks over an IPv4-only path.

    This SIT driver implements encapsulation of IPv6 into IPv4 packets, so it can provide IPv6 service over the IPv4 network environment.

    Setup and Configuration Script

    Setup and Configuration Script

    Monday, November 12, 2012


    ARMvisor is a Kernel-based virtual machine on ARM architecture.

    The Blog of ARMvisor.

    The presentation of ARMvisor in Linux Symposium 2012.

    Friday, November 9, 2012



    IPv6 NAT

    Why IPv6 NAT

  • Load Balancing
  • Multi-homing (Uplink Balance, Failover)

  • NAT is demanded by enterprises for multi-homing.
    Multi-homing is a situation that describes a single computer host that makes use of several IP addresses associated with various connected networks. Within this scenario, the multihomed computer host is physically linked to a variety of data connections or ports. These connections or ports may all be associated with the same network or with a variety of different networks. Depending on the exact configuration, multi-homing may allow a computer host to function as an IP router.

  • Dynamic IPv6 prefixes

  • Implementations

  • NF NAT66 (1:1, N:1): NAT66:A first implementation
  •     http://sourceforge.net/projects/nfnat66/

  • MAP66 (1:1):
  •     http://sourceforge.net/projects/map66/

  • RAWNAT (Xtables Addons): 

  • Standard
    RFC6296 - IPv6-to-IPv6 Network Prefix Translation, NPTv6

    Multi-homing: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-multi-homing.htm

    Wednesday, November 7, 2012

    Java Benchmark - CaffeineMark

    1. Install Oracle’s Java SE-E 7 JVM (The size of JVM is around 32MB)

    2. CaffeineMark-3.0

    After enter Linux prompt,
    Setup your PATH environment variable on your target filesystem to point to the location of the "java".
    [ ]# PATH=$PATH:/mnt/ejre1.7.0_04/bin

    [ ]# cd /mnt/CaffeineMark-3.0
    [/mnt/CaffeineMark-3.0] # java CaffeineMarkEmbeddedApp
    Sieve score = 1231 (98)
    Loop score = 2787 (2017)
    Logic score = 2312 (0)
    String score = 596 (708)
    Float score = 1702 (185)
    Method score = 1619 (166650)
    Overall score = 1533